Hi there,
I've searched around and was very excited to know there was this MamboVb port (integrating Mambo and vB). However, I noticed their website (
www.mambovb.com) is offline. :disappointed:
Does anyone know about what happened to this port?! Is it available somewhere else? Any contact with the developers?!
I believe I saw in another post someone else trying to do this integration as well, and considering to release it here. Any news?!
I've been looking for other options :tired: , but none of them fulfill my needs. And I'm very positive this port would. If you know something about integrating Mambo with vB,
please let me know!
Thanks for your help!!!
PS: Btw, I don't really need them to share the same user DB. It would be enough simply to have them co-existing, with integrated presentation - template/style.