Originally Posted by Smitty
Any idea when version 3 will be released?
So soon as possible!
I think (hope) in 3 or 4 weeks.
Version 3 is very, very extensively.
More than 40 templates (phrased now).
More than 500 different images
20 new php?s.
Php and javascript counting.
15 new db tables.
Version 3 detect 200 spiders (this routine works correctly now) and 140 different Browsers, OS Systems and
WAP Browsers.
Version 3 detected now searchengines and the searchkeywords.
Browserlanguages are now identified correctly.
and many many more
Version 3 is in beta status. (The counters routines are finished)
For a first impression visit the Statistic 3 demo here :
You can reach some sides by means of the new statistics naviagation and you can check there your systemstatus,too.
Not all phrase are finished. Some words in german and some in PcFreak english

Have fun.