ForYou - It looks like your problem is a bug in the version of PHP that your server is running. Try upgrading to a newer version of php if you have that option. If you do a search on yahoo on "Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking" you'll find a bunch of information on it.
mr.gamesbay - that is a problem with using getimagesize but I haven't found a better solution. If it's taking more than 2 minutes then you must have a LOT of pictures in that thread that are bad links. Timeouts should only happen if the server is unreachable - if the server is reachable and the files just aren't there that should go through fast. The timeout is set to 5 seconds to get a response from the remote server - if after 5 seconds there is no response then it moves on. So to have it taking 2 minutes you'd have to have ~20 pictures on that thread that are linked to a non-active server. There is some discussion at the beginning of this thread on how to do a resize using Javascript that solves this problem but that doesn't work if the pictures are loaded from the cache so IMO it isn't a good solution.