Originally Posted by nexialys
this have been done in another hack related to templates compression...
I did search, maybe you could point to where this is.
Originally Posted by nexialys
most of the time, it's not good to have such a feature because html is not written well, or is not xhtml relevent...
The hack doesn't break things, it doesn't affect JavaScript, etc... it merely collapses white space.
As both HTML and XHTML renderers ignore white space the hack can't possibly do anything that the HTML or XHTML wasn't already doing.
I've tested it on my forum and been sure to not upset anything anywhere... I only replace multiple white spaces with a single space... there is no chance a renderering engine will alter what it does because of this.
If I didn't put back 1 white space for the many taken out, then I would agree that I might be affecting the page display or something... as someone might've relied on spacing. However, I leave a single space in there for that reason.
Please show me how my hack does what you imply.