I'm not sure how easy this would be to do, but being new to PHP it seems a little out of my league.
I'd like to to be able to add an item in the store where a user could literally cash in their points for something tangible. For instance, being able to cash in like 10000 points for merchandise from my site, where when the item is purchased, a form simply pops up asking for the user's mailing address and upon clicking 'submit' an email is generated and sent to the webmaster listing the purchased item as well as the user's address.
The points would then be deducted (i'm unsure if this is part of the uShop code, where when a custom item is purchased, the points are deducted automatically or if this is an action I'd need to include in my 'mail_address_to_admin.php' file.)
Is this something easy to do or is there another template I could modify to do it? (or is there someone out there with the skills and motivation?)
Thanks for a great mod, btw. My users love it.