Originally Posted by 1DyNaMiC1
Im not sure if this is the right place to tell you guys about it so ill make a couple threads and the mods can merge, or delete the others in the wrong place. But i have vB forums and im not the best guy at vB or cpanel...etc So i am looking for an honest guy that would be willing to be a Co-Owner of me. We have google ad's on our site which would earn us money if they produced over $100 USD. So you would get payed by them if they do reach over that. You would maybe have to uplaod some vB hacks, be an admin (lol)...etc We will talk more on aim or msn or e-mail about my site and etc. So if you are interested my contact info is below:
Contact Info:
E-Mail: dynamicdesigns1@hotmail.com or 1DyNaMiC1@gmail.com
Aim: DD BiReL41r or GB 1DyNaMiC1
MSN: dynamicdesigns1@hotmail.com
Please, only one thread. Duplicates are mostly considered annoying.