1- your comment about the use of this forum is quite insulting for me and maybe for some others... we're not only here to make friends and advertise, but maybe you're not looking at the proper forums to make such a comment...
... also, if you have no answer in this specific forum, just put your request in the Service Request forum so you may have someone making the hack in exchange of some cash... this forum here is for free requests and suggestions... not execution.... we're here to provide some support for Jelsoft clients that need some personalisation, but remember that we're not paid to answer you, and we're mostly only 50 or 60 here that really code a lot... other guys are newbies like you, or simply curious...
so please be patient and ask again with more details if nobody find the right hack for you... the request you have is really interesting, but myself would never take my free time to code it, because i need to feed my childs... and it may take some days to code something very efficient for your needs...