Recently a coder by the name of Chris Gwynne responding to a service request I made on this forum and stated he could complete a few minor hack requests I needed. He seemed legit and qualified, so I accepted his offer an forwarded him 50% prepayment as requested (a good chunk of money). I waited and waited and waited and finally he said there was a delay because HIS host was down. So I waited and waited and waited and finally got another response and he said his email had been down. He said he would suspend the remaining 50% of the payment and finish the work in 24 hours. That was weeks ago. He is now ignoring me 100%. I've sent emails to 2 different addresses, PM'd him on his forum, send him an IM on 2 seperate chat clients and he has ignored me 100%. I know he is around as he is actively participating in several topics on the forums in the past few days.
Basically from my experience, it's evident Chris Gwynne has no intention of deliverying what has been paid for (I have received absolutely ZERO work from him). It appears he hasn't even started it. He sent a few standard delaying lies and no has resorted to completely ignoring me.
It's obvious Chris Gwynne is a thief, a con man, a lier, you name it. As of this date, I have not received anything nor have I received my money back.
To attempt to recover my money, I have filed a fraud report with PayPal and also contacted the local police in his area. The police have been very receptive and helpful and to the best of my knowledge are completing a report and pursuing this situation.
If anyone has other recommendations to recover my money, please let me know.
Learn from my misfortune and AVOID Chris Gwynne at all cost. His name is also 'Chris Gwynne'. He owns
If anyone else would like to share their bad dealings with Chris Gwynne, please feel free to add to this topic.