Originally Posted by Ganon
Does anybody have a good tutorial on how to set up and use spells? I thought I'd created some, and when I go to battle it doesn't say that I don't have any spells, but no option shows up to let me actually use them.
- Enter your ACP
- Click "Add Items"
- Enter the item info, and choose "Spells" from the category dropdown.
- When you have submitted your new items, you will be redirected to the "Edit Items" category.
(the following ONLY applies if your spells/weapons doesn't show in battle as spells!)
- Find the category names, and hit "Edit"
- In the "Battle Type" part, from the dropdown menu choose the function you wish this category to have.
- Hit Save
Originally Posted by Stryker[X]
Can you please post the path that the images will go to? Because one image folder is /image and the other is not.
And for some reason mine didn't work, I am almost positive I did it correectly. Everything in the AdminCP worked but when you submitted the info for the editing of the battles it said like: "Unable to find _____" I dunno, and then it redirected back to the options and it was updated. And then if you click Edit RPG Settings in your profile it wouldn't show anything, it would be blank.
All images go in the "images" folder of the main style. Not the skins.
In the next version Ill post more clear instructions
And your ACP problem is you not applying the rpg_phrases.xml file according to the instructions. I would say the same about rpg_templates.xml for the Edit RPG Info in profile.
Originally Posted by Mystictrunks03
after seeing the navbar on alot of peoples site with this installed cant u have a drop down box
You have a choice of installing a navbar addon that adds a dropdown, or one that adds an extra navbar