Ive seen both rpg systems, and both have their advantages and disadvantages.
* Gamasoftware has its Status Creator. This is actually the only feature Ive looked at, really.
* Inferno's main rpg file is totally fooked up.
First of all, theres a million uncached templates for each page
Second, the way the templates are laid out makes the rpg pages look REALLY confusing.
Third, the rpg pages has lots of unneeded spam in their templates and coding, such as a local WOL.
* Both rpg system's coding style is IMO ++++ for sold hacks. Now I know it would be hassle to produce neat code thats easy to read, but after all some people do pay for them you know :P
On some points Ive found Inferno's coding to be totally impossible to read.
* Inferno has all their coding in 1 backend file and 1 frontend file (and then some other function files on the side), which is IMO not very good if you intend to provide fixes for any bugs (like the uncached templates)
Not to blow my own trumpet or whatever the expression is called, but unless you badly need summons and/or bot fights for your forum NOW, then I suggest you either wait for either one of these to release something better, or wait for the v3 of my hack.
I believe that with the v3 (and it being free), I can give both Gama and ZT a good run for their money. Should either one dev team feel this post being out of line, just remember that competition inspires better work...