I would also add that a common problem when asking questions is that the explanation/question is often too brief, as if the questioner has less time that the people reading the post.
In general, if I read a question-style post that is a couple of vague sentences, I will just ignore it. I do not think I am alone in this behaviour. If one can not take the 15 or 20 minutes to enter a decent post with as much information as is reasonably possible, then one should not expect a reply.
Here are some of the problems with question/request/problem posts:
#1 -- Explain what you are trying to do
Take the time to start your post with an explanation of what you are trying to do. After you have done that, move on to describing the problem.
#2 -- Be as specific as possible
Often, it is difficult to tell if one is referring to a PHP script, a template, or some HTTP/browser issue. Be specific about what objects you are working with.
#3 -- Attach or enter problem output
Now really, what good is it to say "I don't get the right XXX" when I try YYY. Show us the XXX you do get. Attach a screenshot if that is showing the problem. Include the code that is not working if that is applicable. Show the output of the database error. ... you get the idea.
#4 -- Hack requests as implementation questions
Do not pose a request for a hack as an implementation question. Instead of asking "How can I change the XXX to include the YYY as well.", explain the purpose of the hack. There might be a more proper or elegant solution if you posed the request in terms of what you want to accomplish rather than in terms of what you have tried or what you have in mind as a solution.
Cheers, C.C