I have 2 forums and it would be nice to get some feedback, first there is
I started this in March 04 and I'm getting new members on almost a daily basis, it's for people with an interest in, you will never guess.... scale models
I really don't think there's anything else to do with that one apart from maybe make a new style in the future.
The second on I started a few days ago and I would like some comments on the style it's 99% complete just a couple more buttons to make and I think that's it, then I will start installing hacks, I've only put a couple of my favourite one's on to start.
A forum for people with computer problems, software, hardware etc..
I know there's a lot of this type of forum around but I don't think you can have enough of a good thing

I has a distinct lack of members and posts but like I said I only started it a few days ago, so feel free to register and add some posts, but I would appreciate your comments more.