Originally Posted by Ocean
I used the dt.php file as downloaded directly from here. The section you quoted is exactly what I have in my file.
For debugging purposes try to change the section above like this:
PHP Code:
echo "thread[title] = $thread[title] <br><br>";
$thread[title] = unhtmlspecialchars($thread[title]);
echo "unhtmlspecialchars (thread[title]) = $thread[title] <br><br>";
$filename=preg_replace("/[.&!:\\\?\^\'\"\$]/", '', $thread[title]);
echo "filename1= $filename <br><br>";
if (strlen(trim($filename))<2) {$filename='Thread'.$threadid;}
echo "filename2= $filename <br><br>";
header("Content-disposition: attachment;filename=".$filename.".txt");
This will make the hack stop working correctly, but it is temporary debugging so after you make the change, try to dl a thread, note what screen has been posted, you can revert the lines back.
Also please mention your vb version and the browser you are using.