The image is too short. The image needs to be higher, or edit your battle template to reduce the size of the table it sits in.
I've just made some different backgrounds that are actually larger than the window, so when the forum resizes, the picture doesn't wrap, it just reveals more of itself.
Got another "how does this work" question Revan. Elements, the weaknesses and strengths. What does this mean and how do they interact?
Next up is Experience. What settings do you have? I was thinking about giving exp just for battles but would this then slow things down? I am worried people who just posted and got exp, would never have to battle.
I was wondering also if you were going to release the item graphics you have on your site as a zip to download as there are some cool ones there like the armor and the bigger swords.
On a side note I've had a few requests to see the templates I am using, so I thought I'd put up an example here. As I've modified this hack extensively to suit my forum, alot of the fields here won't be relevant to a stock install, but it gives some people an idea on where to go, and what you can change.
This template is the "modifyrpg" template where you choose your character stats in the usercp. I've included a screen shot.