Originally Posted by Wential
You know what would be nice? A hack that checks the 1st IP # of the visiting user (Ex: 233.x.x.x) against the registration ip on file in the User database. This would require no inputing of data on the admins part. If it doesn't match, it kicks them out.
im sorry for not supporting this thread my linicence removed but its back now
ok so about the qoute , what if user changes his compeny ? or user have diff ip masks for exsample in israel netvision got something like 4 diff ip masks
Originally Posted by bloodcult
nice hack, it's possible that the user logged in when they autenticate with this method?
you mean like when users put his user/pass on the http auth then its auto login him to forums ? well if the answer is yes then its not should be a problem just add query that will run login.php with username + password
note : dont use get methood cuse then you will have a major security problem
but if you want i think i can make your life bit more easy and do it for you