Some more questions Revan about the how things work.
This time clans.
I guess the short answer, regarding if this feature is fully implemented is no.
I've looked at it and it works up to a point. I see no "Clan points" as described in the clan manual, only how to win and lose them, or how they can be used. Or is a clan point merely a ranking system?
The other question I have is about a clan board mentioned in the manual again, and the ability to turn it off, in "edit your clan". Is this a feature not implemented?
For the past few days I've been doing some heavy template mods, to get the RPG pages to use the main CSS. Basically making it look like the rest of the user CP tables. In any future updates you may want to look at doing something in this area, because at the moment they do look a tad drab, with no specified CSS class settings.
Whoa it's real late 2am. Heh see what this hack is doing to me! I've been at it for about 8 hours straight now reconfiguring stuff, and that's just today.
"must sleep... must not work on RPG..."
[high]* Dyntheos wanders off to bed[/high]