Hi guys
I tried to install this hack wich I want it so bad becouse Im runing a contest for the top ref and top poster, but Im havign a prb
Im runing the lattes VB and when it comes for the last part of this installement include/init.php Im geting a nasty sql error
" In includes/init.php
// add default special templates
$specialtemplates = array_merge(array(
), $specialtemplates); "
So basicly its just to had "'statscache'" so I changed it uploaded it and when I refresh the site I get this:
" Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in /usr/home/kain/domains/bbs.tgpbuilders.com/includes/init.php on line 517
Parsing functions.php Time before: 1094328813.74 Memory Before: 568KB Time after: 1094328813.82 Time taken: 0.0754599571228 Memory After: 1,252KB "
Any Ideas?