as a matter of fact, the ONLY reason I even saw this post was because it was forwarded to me by Blindchild (thanks bud). So, I have a lot of people that watch out for me lol because THAT is how limited my time is. Currently, I don't have any clients as I just finished the last bunch for the time being and they should be launching their sites shortly.
I probably wouldn't expect InsideThePixel to launch in full any time soon as I just intend to do one project at a time and not overmarket. I simply don't have the time for mass market. But, at the same time, you'd get better results since you would be one of TWO clienst (at most at one time) being worked on.
Right now, I'm just working on my own other non-design project. It's a bit of secret, but it's gaming related for those that know me