Am I still around?
My time is very limited with full time work, so taking on clients isn't really a priority.
Do I still do work?
Yes. I do. HOWEVER, it is EXTREMELY limited. Sam was correct in saying that his project took longer than expected. However, at the time I was in fact without a coder and getting things to work was nearly impossible with time constraints. Since then I have completed a few more projects and will be launching another (my own) shortly.
Latest launches include:
Both taken a few months after my failed project with Full Throttle.
My time is really limited on designs, so, unless you're willing to wait possibly 1-3 months for your project and you're willing to shell out a large amount of cash (yes, I AM NOT CHEAP in case you're wondering because I do consider myself ONE of the best vBulletin designers around), I wouldn't consider going with my services. That's not to say that we're overly expensive, because we deliver on our designs and customization. But if you're under the $1,000 market, you'd probably better look elsewhere