Not sure which forum I should post this in so I'll start here.
I'm trying to figure out why when I query the event table and look at the dateline_from feild I can not get the same date as what the calander see's? My query always shows the date as being 1 day earlier.
If I enter an event into the vB calander for the 4th, it shows up on the 4th in the calander but when I query the events table and look at the date its the 3rd?
When I run the following code:
<link href="../links.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#fff9e6">
$events = $DB_site->query("select * from event order by dateline DESC limit 15");
$offset = iif (!$ev['utc'], $bbuserinfo['tzoffset'], $bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset']);
if ($DB_site->num_rows($events))
while ($ev = $DB_site->fetch_array($events))
$ev['dateline_from_user'] = ($ev['dateline_from'] + ($offset * 3600));
$dateline_from_conv=vbdate('m-d-y', $ev['dateline_from']);
$offset_cal=($offset * 3600);
$date_adj_conv = vbdate('m-d-y', $date_adj_raw);
echo "<hr><hr>dateline_from_raw=$dateline_from_raw<br>";
echo "dateline_from_converted=$dateline_from_conv<br>";
echo "Offset=$offset<br>";
echo "Offset calculated(*3600)=$offset_cal<br>";
echo "date from adjusted raw=$date_adj_raw<br>";
echo "date from adjusted converted=$date_adj_conv";
I get the following output:
Offset calculated(*3600)=-21600
date from adjusted raw=1094234400
date from adjusted converted=09-03-04
But this event shows up on 09-04-04 not 09-03-04 as the query indicates?
Anyone able to help me out with this?