Originally Posted by gvtexas
I just set this up for my mods in 3.0.3 and it does indeed instantly notify them when a new thread/post occurs. Are you meaning something different?
I don't think we're talking about notification for moderators - but rather for users who:
1) Click on a forum
2) Click on 'Forum tools'
3) Click on 'Subscribe'
Currently, we have vb 2.x hacked to allow for users to subscribe to an announcement forum so that they can get emailed instantly. If the info comes out in a day, week, month or whatever after the post has been made, it's useless information. FWIW, we're a webhost, and we post notifications of maintainence in there, etc. What good is a notification that 'server xyz is undergoing maintainence on wednesday' when that notice is recieved friday?
3.0.3 from what I see has 3 options for forum subscriptions:
No Notification
Daily Notification
Weekly Notification
There does not appear to be an 'instant' option.