Normally I would have it run with the main global.php file, but that generated header sent errors, so I decided to go with the error-free admincp/global.php
(Later I also realized this is a security feature

I cant really help you with that issue, its the way vB gives out script run rights (or summit like that)
You can change which user is displayed in the PM notification by altering these bits of code in battle.php:
(lines 353 through to 367 approx)
PHP Code:
$userid = $bbuserinfo['userid'];
$originating_user = 1;
// insert private message text
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES(
'" . addslashes($message). "',
'" . addslashes(serialize($bbuserinfo[username])) . "',
" . TIMENOW . ",
/* Personal comments, not a part of the current code:
In the above, change originating_user to the userid of your selected RPG dude.
Also, change 'Battle' to the username of your selected RPG dude.
(lines 378 through to 393)
PHP Code:
// send the PM to the opponent
// It is currently set to _this_ user.
$originating_user = $bbuserinfo['userid'];
// insert private message text
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES(
'" . addslashes($message). "',
'" . addslashes(serialize($opponent[username])) . "',
" . TIMENOW . ",
/* Personal comments, not a part of the current code:
In the above, change originating_user to the userid of your selected RPG dude.
Also, change 'Battle' to the username of your selected RPG dude.
That should do it.
On a sadder note, I have just recieved a notification of a most disturbing fact:
A site distributing vBulletin code modifications illegally (IE with the explicit purpose to avoid having to show licenced status here at has today uploaded the v2.5.3 of this RPG Integration Hack.
This pisses me off because I did not work my asses off to get this hack fixed up just so every leecher in the world can use it. I give it to YOU guys'n'gals for free because you, like me, have realised that vBulletin is an excellent forum software, and found it worth the money.
The user uploading it goes by the name of "rogue" on there, I dont know if that rings a bell to anyone on here. I just hope for his sake hes not dumb enough to use the same username here, like someone else on there did (unless he was uploading under false name to frame someone on here).
Ive taken image evidence of the abovementioned user (OR imposter, Im not framing anyone), and the RPG Integration Hack upload itself.
This has pissed me off greatly. Its the sorta thing that makes me regret releasing it.
If you want to distribute this hack to illegal websites, you must pay me $160 for each user that downloads the hack, which I will then send back to the users downloading it so they can stop being thieves.
I wont stop doing this hack for you guys just because of this, youve all been very patient and overbearing with me, which is what makes me want to continue this.
Now I know Ive spoken my opinion in the Lounge that may make me look like a hypocrite for saying this. I refer to the "Re: vB Call to Home" thread if anyone wants to know what I mean.
But Id just like to distinct between the 2 posts.
In that thread I said that I agree with the statement that piracy of vB will help spread the word and give users like me a complete tour of the software and what it can do for ME, MY forums and users.
This doesnt mean I want people running a live board with illegal vB's, and have good forums thanks to our hard work.
Thats enough ranting for now.
UPDATE: Hotfix for the bug 'Battle PM Links are broken' is attached to the 'Addons/Hotfixes' post, linked to from the first post.