Virtual Forums
I suppose this could be a hack - but it would be a massive one - one requiring multiple database adds and the kind of functionality changes that make programs go from 3.0.x to 3.1.x or worse 4.x.
The topic is virtual forums so let me define what one is. A virtual forum is one holding threads that share a given property. Threads cannot be started in a virtual forum - they must instead be started elsewhere, but they appear here if certain criteria are met. Threads move into and out of virtual forums as their criteria changes or by lieu of the moderators.
Ok, by now I'm sure some of you are asking why? Well, couple of reasons. First, it's not always easy to divide subject material cleanly into forums. For instance, I help run an RPG site. Now, we have a forum set aside for house rules and for official rules. Either of these forums can have threads about character classes, equipment, spells, etc. Creation of a spells forum would overlap both of these forums - it would be *nice* but it rules out having forums for the house rules / official rules split.
A less site specific example. Say you had subject areas A B C. Within each you had topics 1, 2, and 3. Now, under vbulletin's current system you have to make a choice. Create forums for 1, 2, and 3 or A, B, C. If you're nuts you could have nine forums (a1, b1, etc), but what if multiple topics could be raised in a subject?
Searching is one answer to this, but on large boards constant searching can cause server lag - especially if the servers are old.
Which returns me to this idea of Virtual Forums. Again, a virtual forum looks over the entire boards (or an admin defined section of the boards) for threads that meet certain criteria. You could have, for moderating purposes, threads started by users with less than 100 posts (which are more likely to be put in a wrong forum - noobs do that). Or a virtual forum containing all threads that have images.
Returning to the example above, users could check off topics 1, 2, or 3 as they create a thread and the appropriate virtual forums could suck up the thread in addition to the actual forum containing the thread. Or perhaps if a keyword appears X times in a thread the virtual forum will take up the thread - this would save on the amount of times the search feature would be employed.
Post icons are used on some boards (including mine) as a secondary labeling system. But this system serves no real purpose since post icons can't be used for sorting (short of hacking of course). They are, at best, a decorative feature.
Well, I think I've went on long enough. I have no idea how this idea would be implemented but my instincts tell me it would require the hacking of several dozen files and templates. I think the principle though is something Jelsoft should look into for future releases of the software. If this principle is executed correctly it would give vbulletin another leg up on its competitors.