Originally Posted by Host Directory
Which bit of code do i need to change to add new search engine spiders graphics to the stats? I found a web stats program on google that has 111 search engine spider icons that i would like to use.
You have to add your search engines to the database table
statistic_spider in the same way as the existing entries.
you can use this code in phpmyadmin to add a search engine to the table:
INSERT INTO `statistik_spider` ( `ID` , `spidername` , `spider_link` , `balken_link` , `Zaehler` ) VALUES
('', 'Spidername1', 'images/statistik/spider/spidernamerflagname1.gif', 'images/statistik/bar1.gif'),
('', 'Spidername2', 'images/statistik/spider/spidernamerflagname2.gif', 'images/statistik/bar2.gif'),
('', 'Spidername3', 'images/statistik/spider/spidernamerflagname3.gif', 'images/statistik/bar3.gif');
just replace SpidernameX with your Spidername, spidernamerflagname3.gif with your filename of the flag image. look also at the end of the code and change barx.gif for each line starting at bar1.gif up to bar11.gif and then again from bar1.gif.
Pay attention on the last line is a ";" at the end not a comma !
after adding the entries into the table you should also edit your file
functions_statistik in /includes directory:
elseif(ereg("zyborg", $agent)) $c_bot ="WiseNu"; //WiseNu
and add after:
elseif(ereg("spider agent identification string", $agent)) $c_bot ="Spidername as written in database"; //your new Spidername
find out the spider agent identification strinf while searching on google for this spider and wrote in this string, Spidername as written in database should have the identical syntax as your entrie in db table for spidername.
that's all
I'm working on a spider indentification at the moment which is identifiying more spiders and gives also more information about the spiders. So if you can wait you get a better version in few days or weeks

It's a very hard work to write all the information from several websites in the net in one database table, collect all information and change the code that it works.
I also optimized the identification routine from functions_statistik that the serverload is not to high while identify the spiders, also a lot of double entries and wrong spider agents will be fixed in this release.
It would be great if you can share the spider flags with us and I can implement these grafics in the new release