Originally Posted by Kru
Yes, I am using multiple Styles: www.spiritual-connections.com and I just made the modification in the style that I am using at the moment which mean it is in the default style.
That is really weird for me because I can't find the mistake and I am sure that I did something wrong.
I'm pretty sure there is a missing template. Otherwise you would get PHP Errors.
Originally Posted by xxxGiJoe
Works great.... Any word on the username with spaces?
Seems to be wrong handling in the ts2info.php, I'll fix it within the next release.
Originally Posted by Swanny231
I got the block installed and the info is in it for the TS but now I can't get it to pull the user names on TS. Any help would do thanks. (Oh BTW I tried tio include the Ts2info and TSHome in the main root but still nogo  )
Do you have a screen or a demo how it looks like?