Originally Posted by Polo
One more question... does this hack/mod adds any queries to a board?
Yes, this one does. More so because of the added functionality.
Speaking for v1.2 of this hack - if you install it as is, meaning as a tool for Admins only, than it will add 2 Queries for regular users and 4 Queries for Admins - but only on the ShowThread page.
Also, the first time a user visits a thread, there will be one additional Query (the one that adds them to the database).
So, if, for example, your board has 8 Queries per page for the ShowThread page - after installing this hack in it's default format...
...regular users will see 11 Queries the very first time they view any given thread - but only 10 Queries for each subsequent visit.
...Admins will see 13 Queries the first time they view any given thread - but only 12 Queries for each subsequent visit.
It doesn't add nearly as much as, say, a Portal hack. But I do still wish I could trim it down further. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to consider it - but at the moment, this is what's necessary to get this functionality.