Originally Posted by Colin F
The problem is that when users don't upgrade and are hacked due to an old security hole (see the whole calendar.php issue not so long ago), Jelsoft is going to spend a much bigger amount of time giving support to these users.
How much simpler life would be for Microsoft Support if their software didn't have half the capability it did.
But the fact of the matter is that people want choices. Claiming greater support times is no excuse for depriving people of the right to plug the security hole of having an app send out information without their explicit consent.
Besides which, what great burden is it for vB staff to deal with a problem that is caused by an obsolete version? All they have to say (and they do say it) is "That problem was fixed in the 3.x.x release. In order to fix it, you'll need to upgrade to the latest version."
That hardly qualifies as a significant burden.
Originally Posted by Colin F
The only good option I can think about is having the setting in one of the debug settings (like the version number and so on).
That way, users will realy have to *do* something to turn it off, meaning they are fully aware of what they are doing.
I could accept that.