Originally Posted by filburt1
The Call Home also checks for the latest version of the software, and many of vB"s releases are security fixes. I am normally opposed to call home coding, but disabling this call home is akin to disabling Windows Update.
I disagree. Disabling Windows Update disables the mechanism by which you would normally apply patches. The vB Call Home feature does not *apply* anything. It just informs you of when a new version is released.
I would change your analogy to say that disabling vB's Call Home feature is akin to not checking Windows Update regularly. But users can check vB's site for new versions at any time, and they can apply those new versions at any time as well.
Eliminating the Call Home feature does not keep a person from doing anything vital.
I realize that it's a challenge to implement anti-piracy measures on anything that is Viewable Source. But that doesn't change the fact that many people are principally opposed to Call Home features - and they have good reason and every right to be.