Originally Posted by JimpsEd
I understand this completely. But I do not think it is right to bring in the "this piracy costs us X money". It's just like with the RIAA and Record Industry situation - costing them X Billion a year.
But it isn't costing them anything. What percentage of people who warez things (including VB) would pay for it if they could not Warez it? Be realistic; the figure is less than 1% i'm sure. So really, saying that Warez may put prices up for us isn't (to me) a serious or plausable notion at all.
But I respect what Jelsoft do with managing their content on their sites.
However, if good coding and progmatic practice is not going to be used by Jelsoft (to stop the long loading times when your servers cannot be communicated with for whatever reason), then I think that the arguements for it being made available to the masses is stronger than those against.
By the way... I thought that VB.orgs licencing system was "now secure enough" to deal with this kind of thing?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but by posting a hack as an attatchment here, you can only download it if you already have an active VB licence.
I am not speaking for jelsoft, just thinking that way, the music industry is a multibillion dollar industry, Jelsoft is a small company, all forms of piracy hurt us much greater than copying a few MP3's.
Yes, doesnt mean there are not people who have licenses and do illegal things with their files.