I seem to have the same problem as croft.
I'm certain i've installed it correctly and my cron seems fine,its creating a file called whoisints.php.tmp(I do not understand why it is making this file) and I get this error at the top of my page:
Warning: file_get_contents(./whoisints.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wiiija/public_html/wij/phobia/forum/index.php on line 59
Now,if I rename the file to whoisints.php the error dissapears but the file does not update and no users are listed as being on teamspeak,also the whoisints.php.tmp file reappears in the directory
My cronjob as it stands:
/home/wiiija/public_html/wij/phobia/forum/includes/cron/ts2php -p:10110 /home/wiiija/public_html/wij/phobia/forum/whoisints.php >/dev/null 2>&1
I'm using cpanel to set the frequency of updates etc.
If theres a glaring mistake I'd appreciate if somebody could point it out but it appears in order to me,I have also chmod 755 the ts2php file as stated in the first post,I hadnt done this at first and thought this maybe the problem but unfortunately not.