pbjunkie, I am interested in this app, but can't stomach paying for it and having it not work out. I've been burned before. I bought a phpbb gallery script from this company called "Albinator", it was very invasive to my database and caused constant bizarre intermittent crashes. The support was a total nightmare to top things off, with them finally saying it's your system not our app. I eventually had to uninstall it and things went back to normal but I was out of pocket for the software as they offered "no refund".
You're going to have to show me more than one site running this before I cough up the cash, and I mean running it integrated with vb3 not as ultimate auction. How invasive is this script to my vb3 database? My site gets hammered with activity so if this script is dodgy then I can't go there. Also, i see it imports users from the db, but if it shares the same db as vbe why do you need to import users to it, and do you have to manually import all new accounts too?