Originally Posted by Zelda-King
The flag link for Grenada: images/statistik/flaggen/grenada
It needs .gif putting on the end.
Also for:
- Gabon
- Georgia
- Djibouti
- Puerto Rico
Just put .gif at the end of this db entries for the flag in images/statistik/flaggen/
@ oldfan
Version 3 is only in planing

For instance I work on Version 2, the spider part, to get more information about the spiders itself and also identify more spider. I found nearly 300 different spiders which can be identified, but therefore it's a lot of work t implement this spidern in the database and also put the additional data for the spiders in.
Also I found a lot of error in the actual spider identification of Version 2 with wrong useragent-names so please wait until my new release is ready

This new spider identification will also be part of Version3