Originally Posted by pgrote
Ok I had another question for you all. A while back we were working on getting our feed to spit out the full post, with all of the html intact, where we changed this in the external.php file:
PHP Code:
echo "\t\t<content:encoded><![CDATA[". htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_trimmed_title(strip_bbcode($thread['preview'], false, true), $vboptions['thread'])) ."]]></content:encoded.\r\n";
to this:
PHP Code:
require_once('./includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php'); echo "\t\t<content:encoded><![CDATA[". parse_bbcode2($thread['preview'], false, true, false, true) ."]]></content:encoded.\r\n";
Smileys dont show up when viewing it through bloglines (our company's aggregator of choice)...this is a small annoyance but if someone could fill me in on what to do to get smileys to show up as well that would be great...I NEED the full html so I cannot compromise that, so if it is one or the other, than I can live without smileys.
My big thing is that it seems as though the feed is only pumping out the first posts of each thread, anytime a thread is replied to it does not show up in the feed...any one have any ideas how I can remedy this situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thank you!
Check this hack I just made:
It lets you choose if you want the feeds to parse bbcodes or not and have support for smilies.
For your second question, open external.php and find:
PHP Code:
ORDER BY thread.dateline DESC
and replace that with:
PHP Code:
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC
Now when a thread gets replied to, it shows up on the feeds.