In vBulletin 3.0.3 the thumbnail code changed a bit so invalid thumbnails were made.
If you already installed this hack and Weasel's update:
( Weasles update can be found here: )
In the file path/to/forums/includes/functions_upload.php, find
PHP Code:
if ($thumbnail)
$image['update'] = ", thumbnaildata = '". $DB_site->escape_string($thumbnail)."'";
$image['insert'] = "'".$DB_site->escape_string($thumbnail)."',";
Replace that with:
PHP Code:
if ($thumbnail)
$image['update'] = ", thumbnaildata = '$thumbnail'";
$image['insert'] = "'$thumbnail',";
and then in admincp/albumcp.php find:
PHP Code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic
SET thumbnaildata = '" . $DB_site->escape_string($thumbnail) . "'
WHERE picture_id = $image[picture_id]
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic
SET thumbnaildata = '$thumbnail'
WHERE picture_id = $image[picture_id]