Im adding on to Colin F's "New Thread on Calendar Event" release, and Im a step away from making "stand on its own".
It will be the first hack I realease, with Colin F's permission, and I just need to figure out how to generate a list of fourms.
the query would be like this:
PHP Code:
"SELECT forumid, title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum WHERE parentid=$foumrid"
Do I have to make this into a template, a new php file or add it directly to the calendar? And after that how do I use it?
Im getting a little more comfortable with VB, but Im still learning when and where I can freely code PHP. And alot of the function in VB are alien to me...
Is there a list of VB functions and the "abilites"?
Can you call a function anytime or do you have to include certain templates/files? Can you create a function in a template/php doc?