Originally Posted by Smitty
If I remember correctly, add [R=301,L] to the end of each and it''ll throw a clean 301 (permanent move).
HMM .. i think that google will reindex the pages with the new adress, if you add the 301 (page moved) header. and then there will be indexed pages like this: index.php?a=$1$2$3 .. or not?
i fixed it in 2 steps. at first, rewrite the old archives to the new format:
RewriteRule ^topic/([0-9]+)?(-[0-9]+)? t-$1$2.html [R=301]
and then rewrite to the real index.php:
RewriteRule ^t-([0-9]+)?(-[0-9]+)? index.php?a=t-$1$2 [L]
with this google will change the URIs from /topic/12345-1.html to /t-12345-1.html
in its index.
i changed the rules 2 days ago and now i am waiting for the next freshbot ...