Originally Posted by Revan
Are you sure you did the file edits correctly?
Because that table was only there in the "pre-Gold" file edits (of profile.php I might add), and I just checked the readme as I type this, the rpg_datastore aint there 
Try to dload the new zip, because this I also just checked and the file edit is gone.
For a hotfix; heres what you do:
Find (both instances of):
$rpgdatafetch = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."rpg_datastore");
$rpgdata = $DB_site->fetch_array($rpgdatafetch);
Replace with:
$rpgdata = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT namefield AS rpgname FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."rpg_battle_options");
Hope this helps, and if you run into more problems, please consult the rpg_SP1_2.5gold.txt linked to from the first post, and see if you lack those edits 
Now when I goto click it, it works, just where I think all the selections should be, the page is blank with the left menu still visible - please help!