this isnt making much sense...
If you downloaded the zip that has the "Gold" in it, then it has all the fixes already applied to both its main readme and the hack php files.
This I know because I can look at the rpg files right now, and I can see that it has all the fixes from the SP (Service Pack) integrated in them.
If your talkin about all the readmes inside the zip, then you shouldnt worry about anything but the RPG SYS INSTALL. All the other files I keep in there for copyright purposes, as I believe Bitsys made that txt to give credit where credit is due

If your talkin about the req_limitations.txt, I put that in there because I wanted to make people aware of the Requirements and Limitations this hack got.
And theres no other txt files than the one in the main post, and the ones in the addon post.
I HAVE to keep the SP txt file in that other post, because if not, users who still got the "pre-Gold" version might come back and find everyone saying "this works" and theirs dont.
Anyways, if you can clean up the templates and get them validated against XHTML 1.0 Transitional, then you da man!

Templates was until now the only help request I didnt get filled
EDIT: I do know this hack doesnt look very professional... And its not, Im just one guy here....
Im not a 1337 coder, nor am I a HTML guru... I learned tons of things just through the convert of this hack...
I just did it because I wanted to let vB gain back what wBB took, because I wanted to offer an alternative to a paid hack, and because I believe in sharing
If anyone wants to be my "PR Person" and can help me in making this look more professional, then its welcomed with thanks and credit just like every other helper