Now here is MY problem - Somone PLEASE help becuase I really am liking vbindex.
I've heard it talked about before. The login boxes do not allow me to login to ANYWHERE from them... all they do is take me to the forums homepage. I have my forums on a subdomain and I have the vbindex page (renamed to index) in my main directory.
I have read you need to change the navbar somewhere and change the prefixes or the URL's or something. I tried messing with it, but was unsuccessful. The ONLY thing I need to get to work, is the login boxes on the main page... if SOMEONE... ANYONE, can please tell me what to do to correct them I would be very thankful. I don't understand what I did wrong...
AOL IM : metalmilitia7555
Yahoo : blackened711
ICQ : 43606642
In fact, thank you in advance!