This blocks all proxies that gives out HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_FORWARDED or the most common, HTTP_VIA.
High anonymity (sp?) proxies don't return any of those variables, so if you're on one of those you're fine.
Couldn't really say if AOL has one of those variables since this connection is very uncommon where I'm from.
And @ excluding proxies, yes there's a way, you can add safe proxies in an array and check if the remote address = this proxy.
PHP Code:
// Add the safe proxies in this array
$safe_proxies = array('','',''); // Safe Proxies
if (( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'])) && !in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$safe_proxies) )
{ die("No Proxies"); }