Couldn't think how to title this one.
In my table, I have a field called 'cid'.
There are 518 rows at the moment, I need to change the URL because it takes up a lot of space. I want the url to be changed to a special part of the URL, the "character id" string.
The URL looks like this:
(dont forget to add
https://www it shows up funny on forum so I removed it.) yerCard=1
The first string 'id' is the string I need all the 'cid' fields changed to. This is the character id string. The second 'productid' string, is the ID of a certain game (3 different IDs atm). Space isn't the only reason I want this changed. I currently have it so that it only shows stats from the certain game, even if the player plays more than that 1 game. So with the character ID, I could just build a URL for their stats to each game, if you see what I mean.
See attachment for the piece of the URL I need.
Is it possible to update all 518 fields from:
(dont forget to add
https://www it shows up funny on forum so I removed it.) yerCard=1 to
xxxxxxxxxxx only?
Even if this is done via script, or perhaps even a phpMyAdmin query.
I believe it'd need a regexp of some kind to get 'xxxxxxxxxxx' from the string? Maybe not? This is the only bit I need help with, getting 'xxxxxxxxxxx' from that url string.
Thx for help.