I am currently trying to add sub-forums to a certain forum, but in this forum theres over 1000 threads, and the sub forums are just categories for the forum... but i wanted to move the threads to their right place... for example
A forum named "Songs submitted by Users"
(and lets say i make sub-forums called

Rap, R&B, Gospel, Rock, Metal and ect.
if i wanted to just read the title and move them accordingly to RAP or to Gospel, i could... but currently in vB its impossible. The Mass Move is good from moving it from 1 place to another, but all the threads. Thats not what i want to do.
I am suggesting for who ever makes this to use the same structure as deleted multiple post. With the check box, and then they choose the destination or whatever...
i would greatly appreciate it, and it would help me out alot. Thank in advanced!