Originally Posted by Abe1
Is there a list of the codes the vb uses in php and templates? I'm talking about like $post, $bbuserinfo ....
Sometimes $post[], $bbuserinfo[], etc. are set, other times not. Even if there are set their use is not consistent. For example, just cause some things are set for $post[] does not mean $post[
value_you_need] is set.
There are no standards for what is available to a template. It depends on what the PHP code has set (the only way $variable is set). So, it depends on what script is running and where in the script the template is used (
How do you like my answer so far...
You could include an
echo statement or
print_array call (functions_misc.php) in the PHP code just before a template is used to verify a variable/array[].
If you could give a specific instance, someone could guide you I am sure. Without such a specific instance, I am afraid it's a bit of a rat's nest.