As someone mentioned, the module will not show up if you only
added it after starting an import session, due to the datastore ImpExSession
(or whatever it's called,I forget) storing a serialized version of the current
import state (one would hope that sometime in the future it would actually
store errors as well, kind of useless right now).
Regardless, the attachment import requires that the posts import module
adds another field to the table, so even if it did show you'd need to import
everything all over again.
As to how to use this: since I did not want to give step by step
instructions on how to patch the ImpEx files, I included a patch file.
If you do not have command line access to the machine your vB3 is running
on, you'll have to unpack impex locally, patch it, then transfer things over
to the server. If using Windows, grab the patch utility here:
Or simply install Cygwin.
Hope this helps.