Originally Posted by iguanairs
There is obviously a way to remove the "learn" button so members can't use it. My question is,where is it located? If we can remove the learn button,our problems are solved. I only want my admins to be able to add words to the dictionary opposed to members. Exactly how would I do this,and still leave the availability of use with the members?
Learn Button issue requires that you modify:
spellmessage.js Line 63 Opens the included file: phpSpell.html
Suggested workarounds: Use conditionals to pass additional information to the function openspell Have this handed off to the next script spelling.js
spelling.js Line 448 inserts the infamous "Learn" button. Determine whether you would like to have it shown based on the argument passed through from spellmessage.js.
An alternate would be to create a vB template instead of using an external html file...