I can answer some Questions:
The 2 Templates you will find in the .zip-file coming to you as .txt-files. Now copy the content and open your ACP nad go to "Manage Styles" (
http://www.yourForumUrl.de/admincp/t....php?do=modify). Open the scrolldown and select "Add New Template". Now you paste the content of the txtfile in the large Box. In the Title-field you put the name of the Txt-file but without its ending (.txt).
Thats all.
The Form.php you just put in your Forumsroot.
Now you can test ist on
Hope i could help, and now i have a question.
If an User fills out the form and it got posted as Thread the User doesn't get an Notificationmail if an answer was dropped. Even he has enabled it in UCP.
Any fix for this?
Its really an great great Hack. Thank you for your Muse.