Yup. It would be a help for sure. The more we encourage extensibility of vBulletin through:
1. Easy to use extension tools/API/SDK
2. Upgrade-safe tools/API/SDK
the more products we should see for vBulletin and, perhaps as important, less work and headaches for administrators.
I would guess that vBulletin is currently working on the delivery of extensions (hacks, mod's, templates, ... not sure what they mean by "plugin") in more than one file:
hack_name.php and/or hack_name.xml.
I could live with that, although I would prefer the more innovative approach of single-source file delivery. I surehope they are not looking at requiring many files for an extension, such as:
hack_name.php, hack_name_templates.xml, hack_name_phrases.xml, and so on