I am really starting to
HATE Microsoft Internet Explorer!
The problem with the right-mouse "save picture as..." option in IE only occured if the text had spaces in it; if there was no spaces then it worked fine. Mozilla Firefox worked perfectly, it's only IE that was acting up.
To fix the problem find this code (line #23 in the original template)....
var command = '$vboptions[bburl]/modules/fps_smilie_creator.php?text=%20'+text+'%20&typ='+smilie_type+'&col='+font_text_color+'&shcol='+font_background_color;
... and change "
+text+" to "
+text.replace(/ /g,"%20")+".
I've also tweaked the code a bit so that the <div> tags are no longer required. I'll be repackaging the zip shortly with the above fix and the tweaks (the tweaks won't affect nothing, it's just to reduce some HTML code in the template).
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