Originally Posted by garoboldy
I have this problem:
pulling a date from sql in this format 2004-04-12 0000:00:00
I trim it down to just the date and display as needed.
what I want to do is pull my latest information for past 5 days meaning as I run my query its going to get the date in the row change it to 2004-04-12 format without the time and see if its todays date or a date up to 5 days ago if it is then I want that information, if not then I dont.
this is going to be for a quick way to see my recent serice calls and what not that I use here at work.
if anyone has any ideas let me know, also if you need some code to see what exactly I have going on I will post on request.
That might be a bit hard, as you're saving it as a string (I assume) meaning you can't order it by number...