Tips and Tricks
But its... *english*?!?
To translate the few hardcoded dayvalues, go to lines 21-27 and edit the Su, Mo Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa values near the end of each line to your liking.
DON'T change these values if you think there's a problem with the first day of the week! The script checks on the browsing users start of week day and changes the mini calendar so that the day is also all the way on the left!
PHP Code:
$dayname_su="<td class=\"thead\">Su</td>";
$dayname_mo="<td class=\"thead\">Mo</td>";
$dayname_tu="<td class=\"thead\">Di</td>";
$dayname_we="<td class=\"thead\">Mi</td>";
$dayname_th="<td class=\"thead\">Do</td>";
$dayname_fr="<td class=\"thead\">Fr</td>";
$dayname_sa="<td class=\"thead\">Sa</td>";
PHP Code:
$dayname_su="<td class=\"thead\">Di</td>";
$dayname_mo="<td class=\"thead\">Lu</td>";
$dayname_tu="<td class=\"thead\">Ma</td>";
$dayname_we="<td class=\"thead\">Me</td>";
$dayname_th="<td class=\"thead\">Je</td>";
$dayname_fr="<td class=\"thead\">Ve</td>";
$dayname_sa="<td class=\"thead\">Sa</td>";
How can I have it use my other calendar?
If you have more than one calendar and would like mini calendar to pull the events from a different calendar, do the following:
- Go to
- Pick the calendar you want to use as the base for mini calendar from the Calendar Jump box on the bottom right.
- Now look in your adressbar. The adress should be something like
Look for the c variable (marked green above) and write that down or remember that or whatever
- Edit cal.php. Change the variable $calendarid on line 5 to the value of that c variable you picked out of the adress.
- save / reupload